Mark Fletcher of Bloglines has an offer for folks:
Apparently several thousand blogs hosted at are now off the air (see this for more information). Bloglines archives all blog entries that we crawl (over 70 million at last count). If you have one of the affected blogs, and your blog was crawled by Bloglines, then we have at least some of your site archived (everything from the time we started crawling your site). We can dump the entries out into a text file, which will hopefully help in migration. Don't know if your site was ever in the Bloglines system? To find out, try subscribing to your site if you already have a Bloglines account, or you can search the Bloglines archives for your blog. If your blog was crawled by us, and you want an export of everything we have for it, send an email to support (at), and include the URL of your blog and/or the URL of your feed. (source: Help with Blog Migration)
If Mark can provide the export in Moveable Type or Blogger format then I'd be happy to give a free trial account of the still unofficial KosmoBlogs where one can load the export directly in and start messing around. Anyone interested please email info (at) kosmo (dot) com.