Another annoucement to the still unnofficial KosmoBlog:


In response to market demand, multilingual capability is being added to KosmoBlog. In this first release three versions of English and Spanish are supported. The KosmoBlog Publisher Control Panel and the blog interface will be presented in the selected language. Location dependent fields, such as the date and time, will be set based on the Locale that corresponds to the language. More languages and locales will be added in phases throughout 2006.

Supported Languages and Locales

English  - United States
English  - Canada
English  - United Kingdom
Spanish - European

Scope of Multilingual Presentation

The KosmoBlog Publisher Control Panel and Blog interface will be presented in the user's language of choice. Messages generated by the KosmoBlog system and presented on the blogs themselves will be presented in the users' language of choice (e.g. Login button).