Cuban is pretty much right on the money here:

Today though, with all the excitement about rich media, whether its video or audio, you hear and read all about views and listens.

Which leads me to the question: Just what is a view or listen ?

For podcasts, is a listen a download ? I hope not, i have several podcasts in Itunes i subscribe to, and that download every episode, but I havent listened to in a long while. A couple others I have listened to the first several seconds or minutes of, but havent really dented. How would what i just did fit into the podcasts metrics ?

In radio there is Time Spent Listening. There are quarter hours , where a radio station gets credit for someone listening for 15 minutes if they listen for 5 minutes. Are there standards for podcasts ?

Then there are videso on the net. Just what exactly is a view ?  Our HDNet Trailer for an upcoming Dennis Rodman show has been viewed 2339 times.  I know i have gone to the site and it has started running at least 20 times that I didnt watch it all the way through. Are those counted ? I cant find anywhere on the site that defines how views are counted. Did i miss it ?