Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke.Simplicity is the key to brilliance - Bruce Lee
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View Article  BlogPodCasting #2

A big welcome to the folks from Since my last two posts traffic here has increased significantly.

Tonight I'm testing out a new text-to-speech voice here. Its even better than the one I've used for the last two posts. Quality is just fantastic. The last two posts were really a pain to put together and were cobbled together so that is why they sound a bit disjointed. That is mostly due to the way I put them together versus the actual text-to-speech conversion. Maybe one day I'll explain how I put them together. This one was done a little bit differently and obviously uses a different voice.

Let me know what you think in the comments here. For those of you listening to this the blog is located at

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View Article  U2 iPod

I've never been one to carry around music and listen much. Of course I've owned a walkman and discman but they never got much use.

With the forces of iPodder, PodCasting and now the new U2 iPod how can one resist!!

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View Article  BlogPodCasting

This is a bit of an experimental blog post. Since everyone is PodCasting these days and to follow somewhat in Ross Radar's steps, and likely others, I'm basically just going to take this blog entry and create a text to speech recording and enclose it here so the iPodder aggregators can pick it. That way folks have two ways of getting my blog postings. The old fashion web based text way and the PodCast way.

We'll see how this progresses. For now I won't add this feed to the iPodder directory unless I keep this going.

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View Article  Paulo Really Likes Bloglines

Wow, for someone who's business is largely based on Radio and Manila (as far as I know) this is saying a lot of Bloglines:

Even now that I'm back I keep going to Bloglines, it's a quite cool service.

I made the switch to Bloglines from the Radio aggregator about a year ago.

View Article  Top 5 Do's & Don'ts for Writing a Business Blog
Debbie Weil has article for the Top 5 Do's & Don'ts for Writing a Business Blog.
View Article  Spam Attack

Over at SimpleFilter we've been under a massive spam attack for the past day or so. In a way I'm happy that we have the spammers thinking they are getting ahead of the game but really all it managed to do was take some of the stuff that Brent and I had on the backburner to implement sometime soon and move it up the priority scale.

So, some of the new items we've implemented over the past day have allowed the servers to run much more efficiently than before.

Instead of adding more and more servers to handle the load it looks like we can probably cut back on our plans to expand the number of servers in the farm!!

Thanks spammers, bring it on, we appreciate the opportunity to make SimpleFilter even better than it already is sooner than we had planned.

View Article  Mail Cruncher is a bit crunchy

This news is a bit old because I haven't been following the spam industry as close as I normally do lately.

Anyway, it seems Mail Cruncher's internation team has taken 3 years to come up with what looks very similar to techniques already in use for some time to fight spam. To base their whole offering on this seems dangerous to me.

I'm getting tired of saying it but SimpleFilter has been using something very similar for a very long time. And of course it is only a very small piece of everything we use in the fight against spam.

The press release is here along with a quote:

Spammers tend to hide and move; legitimate business senders tend to be stable and clearly identifiable. This common-sense observation was the basis for work done by an international team over the past three years. Led by Ms. Lorenzen, the team's work culminated in the creation of a business trust rating database for email called the Outbound Index.

View Article  Yahoo News Alerts - Useless

I'm not sure when it was but sometime within the last month or so Yahoo changed the format of their news alerts. I have been using them amoung a number of other methods for watching for various keywords in the news and around the web.

Unfortunately Yahoo seemed to not only change the format but also whatever algorithm is used to pump out the alerts. The format is a lot better but all I get is the same stuff blasted out to me for weeks at a time. So, the alerts have basically become completely useless.

I've just turned them off.

Thanks Yahoo for keeping up with the times.

View Article  Doc Going Postal

It bothers me when I read entries like this one from Doc Searls about spam problems. There are solutions out there that work including SimpleFilter.

Spam has not been an issue in my life for quiet some time thanks to SimpleFilter so its tough when I hear people still having issues out there but doing nothing about it.

The offer is out there for folks like Doc and Dave Winer (who have complained from time to time that he is getting buried by spam) to give SimpleFilter a try. The POP3 version has always had a free trial but I'll extend a free trial of the SMTP version to those looking to give it a try as well.

Just contact us over at SimpleFilter.

Disclaimer: I'm a co-founder of SimpleFilter.

View Article  Announcing KosmoBlog Version 1.2

Announcing Version 1.2 of the still unofficial KosmoBlog.

Here are the key new features in this release:

  • Added "Post Web Page" function. Allows custom static HTML web pages to be inserted in the standard templates and managed within KosmoBlog.
  • Added function to automatically rename photographs when duplicate name is used. This is to facilitate the upload of images from phone-cams that recycle image file names.
  • Added function to support secure file attachments to article entries.
  • Added a tool that records a history of IP addresses of the individuals who are logging into a weblog via the Publisher Control Panel.
  • Added support for article keywords.
  • Added support to allow search of article keywords.
  • Added "About Me" business card web page that includes image, contact information and social networking features (including FOAF, authenticated login, etc.) The About Me page is generated on the fly and located at a "personal permalink" in the form of<username>/index.html. Authenticated users will be provided with access to personal information as defined in the users "Address Book".
  • Added FOAF support. FOAF is generated and located at a similar permalink in the form of "<username>/foaf.rdf". Authenticated users will be provided with access to FOAF information as defined in the FOAF owners's "Address Book". Users can authenticate themselves by passing their Reader username and password via HTTP in the form of<username>/foaf.rdf.
  • Added additional user interface cues and streamlined interface to make the transition between the Publisher Control Panel to the Reader Control panel interfaces easier.
  • Added support to allow Review templates to be fully customized.
  • Added ENT (Easy News Topics) support for RSS 2.0 (Details regarding the ENT specification can be found at
  • Added support to enhance switching between the Rich Text Editor and the Standard Text Editor. Line breaks are now preserved. 
  • Added "New User" cues to the Publisher Control Panel interface and streamlined navigation including the capability to show and hide less/more commonly used interface elements via a "roll-up" widget. This also includes signficant changes to the "Settings" tab which now breaks various settings into more logical and distinct groups of settings related functions.
  • Added support for RSD, "Really Simple Discoverability", 1.0. RSD is a mechanism that helps client software find the services needed to read, edit, or "work with" KosmoBlog. Full details concerning the RSD 1.0 specification can be found at
  • Added support to make it easier to insert images in an Article entry within the Rich Text Editor.
  • Added support to export "author" information within the KosmoBlog export file.
  • Added UTC support in blog xml-rpc interface and fixed various TIME formatting issues.
  • Removed "article widgets".
Having Problems with SPAM? Its Simple - Filter Your SPAM with SimpleFilter. Available for individuals (POP3) and corporations (SMTP). Free Trial.
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