Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke.Simplicity is the key to brilliance - Bruce Lee
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View Article  Gates Issues Antispam Progress Report

I wouldn't hold your breath for Microsoft to actually follow through on this or anything else worthwhile. I'm still waiting for them to halt all development and work on security issues as they said they would do in 2002. I haven't seen anything change since then on security so why would Gates do anything useful about SPAM??

You are better off just using SimpeFilter.


View Article  Commtouch Reports Spam Trends For First Half of 2004
Commtouch Reports Spam Trends For First Half of 2004 - see the full article here. If you are having SPAM difficulties checkout SimpleFilter. Also reproduced here:   more »
View Article  Rogers Cable Internet Update #40
Connection has been stable since about noon on Jun 28th. Mind you when I called in either that day or the day before the rep told me he would call me back with the status on both outstanding ticket numbers (WSR01252611 and WFR00265194) but of course he did not. I'll have to make it standard practice like I used to do last year in taking down their name and rep. number every time I call in.
View Article  Call Forwarding still sucks decades later

Its approximately 16 years later and I still can't forward my own phone from remote.

Lets go back into the past those many years ago when I worked for Bell Northern Research (BNR). For those of you unfamiliar with the company BNR, they were the research arm of Northern Telecom (Northern Electric before that). Northern Telecom (NT) was primarily the manufacturing arm. BNR and NT have basically merged and are now known as Nortel Networks.

While working there I would be the geek trying to use all the phone features. I can't even remember all the names and features anymore. I'd often find myself on the other side of the massive lab (we're talking probably a football field away) wanting to forward my phone to where I was working. When asking why it wasn't possible and when it would be programmed into the system to forward the phone from remote I got the usual "why would you want to ever do that" stare.

Now back to the future. I'm sitting here with a broken cell phone that has a call forwarding feature on it. Believe it or not, but in this day and age, I still can't forward the phone by calling into the system and telling the damn phone network where to forward the calls. I can set a number of other useless options but not this important feature. It seems the only way to do this still is by having access to the damn device itself. Well, that ain't going to happen cause its toast. It doesn't work at all.

View Article  Rogers Cable Internet Update #39

Service hasn't changed much since the last post. It could be down for an hour or more or so intermittent is almost impossible to do anything. Or it could be good for a couple of hours.

All in all extremely useless.

View Article  Rogers Cable Internet Update #38

Rogers Cable Internet service remained spotty since the last blog post and I received automated calls yesterday and today that they are still working on the problem.

Does anyone think it might be time to rip out all of the equipment and lines and put in new stuff?

Current ticket number for myself is WSR01252611 and the wide are ticket is WFR00265194.

View Article  Rogers Cable Internet Update #37

Well as expected the Rogers Internet Connection started going flaking just after midnight this morning. It has remained that way since with a good patch somewhere around 3am for about an hour. It is basically unusable and I'm tired of using dial-up for a backup so its off to one of my satellite offices to actually get some work done.

Oh, and welcome to the Futureway (or FCI Brandband - I guess they changed their name recently to avoid the negativity that seems to follow them wherever they go) vistors that seem to be visiting the website now.

View Article  Do Not Spam List Will Not Work According to FTC
Wow, someone must have a clue there:
A government-run "Do Not Spam" registry would only generate more unwanted e-mail because unscrupulous marketers would simply treat it as a source of leads, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Tuesday. (source: Yahoo! News - 'Do Not Spam' List Will Not Work - FTC)
View Article  Help With Blog Migration
Mark Fletcher of Bloglines has an offer for folks:
Apparently several thousand blogs hosted at are now off the air (see this for more information). Bloglines archives all blog entries that we crawl (over 70 million at last count). If you have one of the affected blogs, and your blog was crawled by Bloglines, then we have at least some of your site archived (everything from the time we started crawling your site). We can dump the entries out into a text file, which will hopefully help in migration. Don't know if your site was ever in the Bloglines system? To find out, try subscribing to your site if you already have a Bloglines account, or you can search the Bloglines archives for your blog. If your blog was crawled by us, and you want an export of everything we have for it, send an email to support (at), and include the URL of your blog and/or the URL of your feed. (source: Help with Blog Migration)
If Mark can provide the export in Moveable Type or Blogger format then I'd be happy to give a free trial account of the still unofficial KosmoBlogs where one can load the export directly in and start messing around. Anyone interested please email info (at) kosmo (dot) com.
View Article  Rogers Cable Internet Update #36

Well, a technician did show up yesterday. Actually a decent and knowledgeable technician (Doug - #6642).

He tested the levels on the line and said they are too high and he expected that. The infrastructure provider (the morons Futureway) for this area is pumping out too much signal. He put yet another device to help balance out the signal going to the modem.

Seems to have solved the problem except I've seen a few packet losses in the last hour but nothing to be concerned about yet.

I'd like to know how to lobby to get Futureway out of this area. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Having Problems with SPAM? Its Simple - Filter Your SPAM with SimpleFilter. Available for individuals (POP3) and corporations (SMTP). Free Trial.
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